Wednesday, February 21, 2007


I heard about this and while I don't have the facts of the case in hand I find it hard to believe that a teacher would use a school computer to access porn sites, especially if there were students around. Scout is raising a defense fund for Julie Amero, so please visit to find out more details. I can see someone getting frustrated by a chain popup and have no idea what to do about it (I see it in my office all the time; we use computers but many aren't savvy enough to know what to do in a situation like that). Especially if the computer is using an eight-year old operating system and old software.

In a knitting update, yesterday I didn't get much done on the Sirdal as I spent most of the day with doctors' appointments and related errands. But I'll satisfy your yen for yarn p*rn with an updated photo of the sweater. I did take the table runner with me since it was lightweight and elicited a number of comments.

1 comment:

Lorraine said...

Your at the exciting bit of the chest pattern.
I really like the bright blue- are you adding the braid?