Saturday, December 16, 2006

Blow, blow thou winter wind

It's not unusual for us to get windy rainstorms during the winter, but the one that passed through Thursday and Friday was apparently the biggest one since 1993. We don't get named hurricanes through here, but we get hurricane force winds on the coast and tropical storm strength winds inland. It blew a lot of trees down, broke tree limbs, tossed trash cans and recycling bin contents, and taxed the electrical grid by taking down power lines and blowing transformers. Thursday night I went home at 5 and watched from the parking structure flashes of electric blue as transformers arced and blew. Some places are still without power even today. My sister and brother on the coast are fine fortunately. Pam said that the winds were so fierce it was blowing the fir trees on their property about like they were just bushes. She and my brother Larry lost power but it's back on and all is well.

Stash Challenge 2007

Wendy of Wendy Knits! is challenging herself to work her projects completely from stash. She's put up some guidelines of the challenge, which runs from January 2007 to September 2007. I think that's a great idea for me, since I'll be trying this coming year to spend my money reducing debt instead of yarn. This is just the natural fiber portion:

The acrylic chunk, sad to say, is just about as big, but most of it was of donations for the preemie cap project. The rules say nothing about acquiring tools though. Maybe I need a knitting machine....


Jeanne said...

Hmm, sounds like a good idea to me. I'll do it... IF I can claim an exemption for weaving materials. I just bought a loom and I'm signed up for an advanced weaving course at school next semester which will have, I'm assuming, extensive yarn requirements. Otherwise, I think I'm doing it. (I really need to remove the book exemption. I buy far too many of them!)

Anonymous said...

I'm on the Knit (and spin)From Your Stash 2007 waggon too.

I had to add an exemption for fiber bought at a fiber festival (such as SOAR) and my monthly fiber of the month from Spunky Electric.

Can I ask if the shelves behind your stash bins have yarn in them also or is that all books? wow.

Anonymous said...

Geez. You have more stash than I have.

You have no idea how much better I feel.

Sharon Rose said...

I'm also on the KASFSO diet. (Knit and Spin from Stash, Only). Viva la closet! :) Although in my case... I get to spin from OTHER people's stash, too! *tee hee*