Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Hither and yon

Saturday was World Wide Knit in Public Day, an event that brings out knitters from their inner circles out into public areas to knit with fellow fiberistes. Over the course of the last week I heard about two other events besides the two I knew about: the Hollywood Farmer's Market (right around the corner!) and lunch at Casa Del Matador. The ones I knew of were at Pioneer Courthouse Square hosted by Teaknit Melissa and at the Glenn and Viola Walters Cultural Arts Center in Hillsboro hosted by Tami of pnwbookgirl. I had an appointment to meet with Melissa to drop off squares for a love blanket for Witt's partner Gary, then I was off to Hillsboro to meet up with my westside posse.

When I arrived in Hillsboro, I realized I didn't have the map I had printed out nor the address of the place. Having never been there before, I was clueless as to what to look for. I knew of it as the Hillsboro Cultural Arts Center but didn't realize until I finally arrived (thanks to my buddies' gentle coaching me through downtown Hillsboro traffic) that all my assumptions about its appearance and the name were all wrong. But it was worth it.

There were knitters.

And yarn.

And spinners.

And more yarn.

Did I mention knitters?

I came home with a book of baby knits and a lovely skein of peacock green sock yarn from Frog Creek Fibers well as finished bobbins of the Dicentra merino silk. I didn't get there in time to get a goody bag but it was fun to watch the door prizes go out to the knitters.

Thirty again?

Last Wednesday I went out for the evening with Dan and his friends to celebrate his birthday. I got to meet some of his friends and feast at La Buca. He got a lovely box of loot and many birthday wishes. It made him very happy, like a kid at Christmas. The gals at knit night missed me, but it was such a delight to see him with his goodies.

Monday was my birthday and the biggest surprise was the number of email messages from Facebook and the lists wishing me happy birthday. It was delightful and heart-tickling to see such affection from this community I've become a part of. Thank you! I ended the day with dinner with my pinochle buddies (except Reid who was busy recording a CD with the PGMC) and Dan. He went to Knit Purl and raided their ShiBui sock yarn, coming back with skeins in beautiful colors reminiscent of a beach by a deep blue lake. Combined with the bagful of chocolate from Linda and iTunes from Reid and Cristina it capped a lovely birthday.


The Evil Sock Genius has begun his KAL on his Arch-Villain socks. I've jumped aboard but will be jumping back and forth between these and the Shaula sock from Anna Zilboorg's Socks for Sandals and Clogs (seen here on Tricofolk), a commission. I have toes so far for the AV's and am halfway through a toe on the Shaula.

As I say when faced with a challenge, it'll be interesting.

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