Tuesday, June 26, 2007


In Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles, newly born vampires learn that the body they have at death is what they will have forever. Even if the hair is cut it returns to the length it was when the vampire was born. So if you're going to become a vampire, don't do it on a bad hair day because you're going to have that hair forever.

That trait was something I wanted to have today. Since my surgery in January, my body's been going through a gradual change as the hormone levels drop. So while I still have my ovaries, I'm going through menopause. Today I was experiencing hot flashes that made me want to shave my head. But my hair at this point is a nice length with plenty of curl. So could I just shave my head now and wake up with my hair back tomorrow morning?

Fiber play

I took the rovings I got from BSG to work today and couldn't resist test spinning some of the Ferndale Farm fiber while waiting for a report to run. When I got home I had to do some on Goody Baynes. It's a hot sultry summer evening but how can one resist practicing on such yummy fiber? Yes it's fat but it's reasonably consistent. We'll see how it turns out.

Ted's Yarn

I've been putting off posting any pictures of Ted's yarn being knitted up because I want the pattern to be a surprise. With knitting any lace in the round it looks like what Franklin calls used cheesecloth. I attempted to put a plate in but snapped off one of the point protectors in the process and dropping a couple of stitches on the edge (thank goodness for sticky yarn!). I'll have to go back and make sure I picked up the stitches correctly (fortunately it's on a plain knit row with a few--nope, can't tell ya). The color changes are subtle, ranging from teal to turquoise as he plied the two colors together. He told me it was uneven in thickness but so far it's been pretty consistent and not too whacked out from fingering weight. It's also knitting very nicely, not splitting or being weird. We'll see how it turns out after dressing the piece. **Shameless propaganda warning** Ted's posted that the Fibrefest North 2007 registration is now open. To find out more, go here.

Off to go jump into a cold bath.


Anonymous said...

Can you get Edy's juice bars where you are? That's my recommendation for getting through menopause--lime or lemon. Eat them or put one on the back of your neck (the latter is a little messy, but what the hell...)

Barbara said...

I'm with you here sweetie - cut my hair all short last month and getting ready to go in again and say shorter shorter....

It's not just the hot flashes with me, it's the 112 degrees too.

I keep a fan under my desk at work to blow the cooler air up my skirt - that works pretty well. woo hoo!

Carol said...

I got my hairdresser to give me a cut that is the same length as what I went in with, but the layers she put into it have lightened it up considerably and it is much less hot!

Anonymous said...

Looks GREAT! Enjoy the freedom.